Future2K: Run by my friend Travis, AKA Titsworth AKA Howisya. Good place to find out about upcoming releases, and check out his radio show, broadcast online, monday nights. Check his site for details.

We Are The Music Makers: Site covering Aphex Twin, Autechre, Boards Of Canada and Squarepusher. Always under construction. But in a bad way.

XLTronic: Right now, only the message board, some mp3s, and some videos are up. Still a good place to talk to people.


Planet-Mu: Home of artists such as Jega, Venetian Snares, and of course Mike Paradinas himself, µ-Ziq.

Rephlex Records: The home of braindance: Global Goon, Astrobotnia, Bogdan Raczynki, etc.

Warp Records: Probably the most mainstream IDM label around.


Where to buy (besides the obvious like amazon and such):

||WRECKED|| Distro: Good place to order CDs/Vinyl of "broken music"

More to come. Probably.