12/3/02: Major update on the Aaron Funk discography, with lots and lots of help from Mike P. himself (who will also have a discography on the site soon).
12/3/02: I'm home
sick from school, so you should probably expect more up today...
Current discographies: Amon Tobin, Cujo, Snares Man!, Venetian Snares, Ventriloquist Snakes, and Vsnares. Okay, so the last four are one combined discography. Horray for Aaron Funk!
12/2/02: I said fuck it! and moved the site. You'll notice the page is at melodiesfrommars.tripod.com now. So update your book marks. hahahahaha get it? cause one person has seen this site! HAHAHAHA. Also, fixed the contatct link ;x thanks travis.
Oh yeah, the discographies are working.
Still working on the invalid file problem. Added some more links. Nothing special really, just added links to rephlex, F2K, WRECKED. also added short descriptions.
Also added a picture of Amon Tobin to his page.
Fuck! For some reason geocities won't let me upload the discographies, saying that they're "invalid files" so I have to figure out what the hell i'm going to do. Why don't you head over to Global Goon's site for now. All it is (so far) is a message boards about remixing one of his tracks. The plus side is you can remix it too, and listen to other remixes already posted. And there's a prize if it's the best: a bunch of GG vinyl.
First Update Ever!
Check out the Introduction section, if you haven't already.
Discographies Available for: Amon Tobin and Cujo.
Next Update will most likely include Venetian Snares, VSnares, Ventriloquist Snakes, Snares Man!, Mike Paradinas, µ-Ziq, Kid Spatula, and all his other aliases. Maybe including Mike & Rich+Slag Boom Van Loon.
Future Updates will include all of Richard D. James's projects (there's like, 13 of them), Boards of Canada, Autechre, Gescom.... many many more.